On the heels of New York Fashion Week, where we saw an alarming drop in size-inclusivity on the runways, this International Women’s Day is an important time to recognize the trailblazers changing the fashion narrative. If there’s ever been a time to rally around making fashion more inclusive, it’s now. Across social media, “Heroin Chic” is the new obsession, with some even turning to weight-loss drugs to achieve a super-thin look and, ultimately, fit into runway-inspired styles. At Discovfashion, we know that all bodies deserve access to fashion regardless of size. This month we celebrate some of the incredible women-owned brands working alongside us to create the honest representation and inclusivity across the fashion industry we all want to see. “Heroin Chic”? More like “Heroine Chic,” women are heroes of this story. Keep reading to learn more about the amazing women-owned brands available at discovfashion.com.